A lovely priest…


A lovely priest in Paris had incurred the enmity of the sectarians by his liberality. One day a bigot, who was also a bully, met him on the street and dealt him a rousing blow on the cheek. Quietly the lovely priest turned, saying: “My Master teaches me when thus struck to turn the other cheek also.” Delivering a still heavier blow on that cheek, the bully said: “And what does your master tell you now?” To this the lovely priest replied, as he laid aside his cloak, “The authorities are divided, but the weight of authority is in favor of the view which I now adopt as I proceed to give you the worst thrashing of your life.” It is not likely that at the final reckoning, the lovely priest will find much against him for that day’s work.

Interesting take on Matthew 5:39.

H/T New Advent

Newman and the Manliness of the Lord

newman.gifYesterday I met with the Knights of Lepanto and, among other things, I spoke to them about Our Lord’s agony in the garden. I read to them from the exquisite meditation on that subject by Venerable John Henry Newman, entitled The Mental Sufferings of Our Lord in His Passion. I have never read anything quite like it, and to me, it is very convincing evidence of the great Cardinal Newman’s holiness.

While the subject of this discourse is not explicitly connected to masculinity, I do not think it is hard to see how a passage like the following goes a long way to communicate the notion of Catholic masculinity: Continue reading