Message from the Apostolic Commissioner of the FI

Tarquinia, August 31, 2013.
Dear young people,

In the Bible one reads two episodes happily matching up with what you will celebrate in the church of your Institute at Tarquinia.

The first took place on the banks of the Jordan, when, after their endless journey in the desert, Joshua told the people to choose whom they would serve: “Do you choose the Lord or the foreign gods, the gods beyond the river?” (Joshua 24,15). Know that in choosing the Lord, you choose the liberator, the savior, the one who is close to you, because you are the people He has received and whom He cares for without cost, for whom He wants true freedom. If you choose Him, know, however, that He is a jealous and demanding God: He ensures loyalty, but asks of you fidelity.

The foreign gods, those across the river, are not demanding. They don’t disturb the life of ease and quiet. They promise a cheap happiness, roads open wide in front of you. Later, however, you will discover that a cheap and easy happiness is illusory, that it is a new form of slavery, more painful than the one known in Egypt.

The second episode we read in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, referring to what occurred more or less near the same waters of the Jordan, which for the Jews sprang, as it were, from Heaven. It speaks of Jesus witnessing many of His listeners turn away from Him because, according to them, He used a language that was too hard. He then asked the Apostles: “Will you also go away?” (Jn 6:67). It is as if he said: make your choice! Peter, who was not expecting that question, looked at the apostles standing near, and before anyone could give a reckless or wrong answer replied: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, we have believed and know that thou art the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:68-69).

My dear young people , Peter responded on behalf of all, and therefore in your name also, since you have chosen Him who has called you with eternal words, who reveals that to walk in the footsteps left by the Holy One of God is the most beautiful of all of life’s decisions.

The religious profession that you will make, which you have prepared for with the seriousness proper to your Institute, is in fact a response to a choice. It is a generous and demanding choice, because you choose the Lord, who is All, the Supreme Good, endless beauty, the absolute truth, nothing more beautiful or greater that one could desire. I said “response” because you know better than I that it was not you who chose the Lord, but He who chose you, because he loves you with a wholly particular love, a love of predilection, a love beyond all human imagination. The “yes” that you will pronounce with the formula of profession is a response to God’s initiative.

You have decided to follow Jesus in the way of chastity, obedience, poverty and the Marian vow . You want to be so united to Him as to imitate Him in these fundamental options of life. With the vows that you will profess you pledge to be transparently His, revealing his chaste, poor and obedient face. Those seeing you must be able to see Christ: Christ who is chaste, because one loves with a pure and unreserved love unto the gift of self; Christ who is obedient because one abandons himself to the liberating will of the Father; Christ who is poor because true wealth is not found in material goods, but in the values of the Kingdom. The Marian vow because you have chosen to go as missionaries which was the particular desire of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe.

Blessed Giles of Assisi, the third companion of St. Francis, summed up this idea in a popular saying coming from his simple wisdom: “He who loves more, longs more.” By this it is intended that the more ones love God, the more one desires his riches, which, according to what St. Bonaventure wrote in The Journey of the Mind to God, are “fruits that no one comes to know if not received, nor received if not desired, nor desired unless inflamed by the Holy Spirit.” The religious vocation is one of those fruits that mature with the profession you are about to make.

Allow me now to mention the Institute to which you will belong. I know that it arose at the doors of the third millennium as a response to the conciliar Decree Perfectae Caritatis that invites religious to “return to the sources.” In addition to the Rule of the Order of Friars Minor, you also profess the Marian Traccia of Franciscan Life which is it’s Marian expression, whose spiritual legacy you have accepted fully and live out within the Marian Houses and in the Houses of the Immaculate, engaged in the use of modern means of communication (television, radio), and in religious-priestly activity and that which is missionary.

Very well, I am pleased with all it all. You too are witnesses to the variety of charisms mentioned by S. Paul (1 Cor 12:4 ), poured forth by the same Spirit, and which therefore cannot contradict each other. Consecrated life and new ecclesial subjects are living forces of the Spirit of the Church; forces that appeal to the youth because of the freshness of their phenomena, the authoritative presence of the founders, and because of the agility of organizational structures not as yet so complex . However, I am reminded of the words of the Blessed John Paul II on May 30, 1998, adressed to the leaders of the new forms of consecrated life: “The emergence of new institutes and their diffusion has brought to the Church’s life a newness that is unexpected and sometimes even disruptive. This has given rise to questions, uneasiness and tensions, at times it has led to presumptions and excesses on the one hand, and not a few prejudices and reservations on the other. It was a period of trial for their loyalty, an important opportunity to verify the authenticity of their charisms. Today a new stage opens in front of you: that of ecclesial maturity . This does not mean that all the problems are solved. It is above all a challenge, a road on which to travel. The Church expects the fruits of communion and commitment.”

One of the central issues, in my opinion, is the threat of a certain self-reference, that is, the desire to emphasize at all costs one’s own distinctive characteristics. Instead, I believe it is a certain proof of maturity to try to overcome this attitude, recognizing with a humble and Franciscan spirit that the edification of the Church is the ultimate reference point of one’s particular charismatic experience.

The theologian von Balthasar in an essay on spirituality (Verbum Caro) sustained that when a religious and ecclesial reality is essentially preoccupied in distinguishing itself from others by setting their own convictions as the only excellence to be referred to, it is a sign of closure that can only be of harm to the future of the Church. As also can be, I might add, a certain confusion between the ends and the means, whereby the texts, suggestions, attitudes or words of the founders can be considered more decisive than the teaching of the magisterium and even than that of the biblical texts. In this case, a movement that officially professes to be a mediator for a new form of evangelization, becomes the substitute.

Listen to this anecdote: a father was watching his child one day trying to move a very heavy flowerpot. The little child one was trying, puffing, growling, but could not move the flowerpot even an inch.

“Did you use all your strength?” asked the father.

“Yes,” replied the child .

“That is not true, said the father, because you did not ask me to help you.”

Dear young people and dear confreres : let us all, together, move this flowerpot toward the light of God in order to understand that which it is in need of, and to cause an explosion in various colors of it’s flowers swollen with heavenly nectar.

P. Fidenzio Volpi, ofm cap
Apostolic Commissioner

44 thoughts on “Message from the Apostolic Commissioner of the FI

  1. It is a good homily for a religious profession. Very traditional! I just regret the conclusion. Please, let make an respectful observation, remark.What the problem in some religious institute follow a particular charism? Is not the variety of charism that turn the Church rich. We could quote St. Paul about the Charism. See Corinthians 12, 12-26.

  2. Congratulations to those making their perpetual vows!!

    I pray that they all hear these above words of wisdom – Christ came to lead us to Him. He set up His Holy Apostolic Church to do that. If our efforts contradict the teachings of this Church, the requests of the Holy See, then we work in vain. Vanity of vanities. We become ‘Protestant’ or ‘schismatic’. Also, the Church must always be approachable to the common man or She cannot lead the common man to Christ!!

    Imho, these words hit the heart of the matter: “The theologian von Balthasar in an essay on spirituality (Verbum Caro) sustained that when a religious and ecclesial reality is essentially preoccupied in distinguishing itself from others by setting their own convictions as the only excellence to be referred to, it is a sign of closure that can only be of harm to the future of the Church. As also can be, I might add, a certain confusion between the ends and the means, whereby the texts, suggestions, attitudes or words of the founders can be considered more decisive than the teaching of the magisterium and even than that of the biblical texts. In this case, a movement that officially professes to be a mediator for a new form of evangelization, becomes the substitute.”

  3. Jennifer, certainly as Catholics we have to be obedient to the our religious superiors. I’m not denying that religious principle. What I said it is that I can’t see how the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate fit in that admonition of the Apostolic Commissioner. I repeat: I am not denying his authority. I’m think there is no reason for saying that the FI are taking a different track just because they pray the holy mass in Tridentine Mass. And I would like to add that I am not a tradicionalist. I know that many people don’t accept the Mass in the new rite, the rite of Paul VI. But this is not the case of the FI.

  4. I don’t like to make long comments, cause I think they mixed distinct arguments too much. So I would like to make other comment to clarify better my thinking in other point. More accurately I would like to refute a false idea of unity or communion. Unity or feeling with the Church does not mean uniformity or no diference between brothers. I’m talking about charism, not about doctrine. There is a diference. We have to be uniforme in the doctrine, but we should not be equal in Charism. That is the reason why I quote St. Paul the Apostle (Corinthians 12, 12-26.) and I would like to quote an extract of PERFECTAE CARITATIS:

    “So it is that in accordance with the Divine Plan a wonderful variety of religious communities has grown up which has made it easier for the Church not only to be equipped for every good work (cf. 2 Tim 3:17) and ready for the work of the ministry-the building up of the Body of Christ (cf. Eph. 4:12)-but also to appear adorned with the various gifts of her children like a spouse adorned for her husband (cf. Apoc. 21:2) and for the manifold Wisdom of God to be revealed through her (cf. Eph. 3:10).” (Perfactae Caritatis n.1 §1.)

    I’m saying that as child of the Church. I am Catholic. I recognize the authority of its ministries and I admire the Franciscan Friars’ zeal. So I wanted to say these words in their behalf.

  5. Alexbenedictus

    You state: “…. that I can’t see how the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate fit in that admonition of the Apostolic Commissioner. I repeat: I am not denying his authority. I’m think there is no reason for saying that the FI are taking a different track just because they pray the holy mass in Tridentine Mass.”

    But you do not KNOW all the information that resulted in this action of Holy Mother Church! It is NOT just about the Extraordinary Form of the Mass: So much is clear in the decree and letters from Fr. Volpe, which unfortunately have been made public. So in that veil of ignorance, we, who are not privy to that information, should all be docile and humble and submit intellectually and spritually, with no mental reservation, to this action of the Church at this time. To do otherwise is to make a mockery of the words that you use – “I am not denying his authority”.

  6. Alex,

    I won’t presume to speak for him, but I think that the Apostolic commissioner would agree that “there is no reason for saying that the FI are taking a different track just because they pray the holy mass in Tridentine Mass” because there seems to be much more to his thoughts than the Tridentine mass. In the decree which appointed the apostolic commissioner issued by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life, the stated goals of the appointment are “preserving and promoting the internal unity of the Institute as well as fraternal communion, adequate formation to religious and consecrated life, the organization of apostolic activities, and the correct management of temporal goods.” I think it’s logical to assume that since these specific issues are focused upon that the Holy See must believe that it is in these areas where the largest problems reside. Further, in Father Volpi’s letter to the FI following his appointment he said, “I accepted the assignment because of my desire to take you on a journey of renewed ecclesiality.” Then he goes on to quote Pope Francis about the importance of “thinking with the Church.” Note that if a “journey” is required to reach a destination then the destination has not yet been reached. So, in the very least, it is not unreasonable for anyone to conclude that Father Volpi’s thoughts (and the pope’s) go far beyond considerations about the traditional latin mass. We should refrain from assuming otherwise.

  7. Dear brotheres in Christ, Roy and Steve, I thank you for your remarks. I tend to see that the main problem is laying in the Tridentine Mass. But, as you remarked. there are more things that are internal issues. I hope everything goes right and ends well.

    Just one observation. I did not want to seem irreverent. I have a great reverence by the priests and all the ministries of the Church. My intention when I spoke was simply ask that the Franciscan Friars be allowed to pray the Tridentine Mass, because I have heard this rite express more perfectly the Catholic doctrine about the mass. Honestly I have never attended a Mass in Tridentine Mass, but I have attended many masses prayed with a protestant mentality. Here in Brazil the liturgical abuses are in deplorable level. I would make John Paul II’s words my words:

    “t must be lamented that, especially in the years following the post-conciliar liturgical reform, as a result of a misguided sense of creativity and adaptation there have been a number of abuses which have been a source of suffering for many. […]
    No one is permitted to undervalue the mystery entrusted to our hands [he priest’s hands] anyone to feel free to treat it lightly and with disregard for its sacredness and its universality.” Ecclesia de Eucharistia, n. 52.

    For finishing, I would like to highlight that I understand that there are more issues, internal issues I just pretend to point out the liturgical zeal of the FI is somethig commendable.

    • Alex,

      Whereas I agree with you that many priests abused the “freedom” admitted in the postconcillar period, the mass is still the mass, and no “form” is superior to the other – how can you get better than the infinite good associated with the real presence of the Lord?

      I understand what you are saying when you write that you admire the liturgical zeal of the FI Priests. However, Liturgical “zeal” can lead to extremes if taken too far, and extremes can result in abuse, if misdirected, especially by superiors. The edict that was issued by the Sacred Congregation contained a command by the Holy Father himself, so that there was no level of appeal that could be legitimately made, which banned any FI priest from saying the Extraordinary Form without permission effectively from either Fr. Volpe or the Holy Father himself. Obviously there was a significant reason for such a strong action!

      So, with every best wish for you in your road to Holiness, and with all respect, asking that the Franciscan Friars be allowed to pray the Tridentine Mass”, as you did is NOT a legitimate position for any Catholic who wishes to remain in a state of grace, as it directly contradicts a specific command by the Holy Father. I am sure that you did not mean it in this manner, but that is indeed what you are doing. So now that you understand this, I would hope for the sake of your immortal spoul that you would not ask this again. Prayers for this beautiful order and for the members of this institute however, would be gratefully received I am sure!

  8. Marie, why are you so distrustuful?! It seems like a personal persecution of you against me! It seems you are a kind of obssessive about me. You doubt what I said and besides that take time to seek what I said or not. It’s a kind of scaring, don’t you think?

    I said I have never attended to the Holy Mass in the Tridentine Rite and just in the Ordinary Rite in Latin. I’m saying the truth, but you are too much distrustful. Please give me alone. I wouldn’t to say these words but you have forced me to say that.

  9. What some people fail to realize is that there are many lay people that are suffering because of these restrictions. This may be a power struggle among a few friars in the order but it is a trial for the rest of us. I was drawn to the charism of the Franciscans of the Immaculate several years ago and attended their Latin Mass regularly over the past few years. I love the church and am completely loyal to the Holy Father but church history is filled with decisions and maneuvers made for political reasons and not necessarily under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Despite the pain and frustration of watching this happen to the order we love, many see this as a confirmation of the holiness of the order and the founders. The silence and humility manifested by most of the friars in the face of this trial is encouraging. They are teaching us by example to face the trials of life with “Franciscan joy”.

  10. Catie,

    You are NOT completely loyal to the Holy Father if you add the suffix “but….” to your pledge. Decisions and maneuvers made for political reasons can be judged after the fact, but at this moment you have not been given the grace to judge or second guess the Holy Father!

    The fact of the matter is that you are reacting out of pure emotion. Your bauble (the Extraordinary form of the Mass) has been taken away and you, and other traditionalists are having a tantrum.

    What evidence have you that this is a “power struggle among a few friars in the order,” by the way?

    If you and others were truly suffering in silence you would not write such things. If you truly find it a trial, offer it up for the Institute and for the Holy Father and the apostolic commissary. Learn from the saints and martyrs who DID truly suffer when they were completely deprived of the Holy Sacrament! After all, you are not being deprived of Mass!

    As to the holiness of the order and the founders, let history (and God) decide that. You should be truly docile and holy yourself and leave these decisions to those with the authority and commensurate grace to make and administer them. Or are you becoming a protestant for the sake of tradition, rather than for scripture?

  11. Roy,
    “You are NOT completely loyal to the Holy Father if you add the suffix “but….”

    the word ‘but’ is a conjuction. You remember “School house of Rock”…”Conjunction, conjunction, what’s your function?”…. 🙂

    As for the content of your repraisal….rock on!
    Pax et bonum!

  12. LOL…. I stand corected. My homeschooling wife commends you for standing up fpr grammatical correctness. And thanks for your show of support. My comments was meant in all charity, although I have a tendency to be direct.

  13. I am sure the owner of this blog appreciates your ‘directness’. The small number who continue their complaining have not yet learned the words, “Thy Will be done”.

  14. Alex,
    I found the conversation we had about Latin Mass. I incorrect.
    What you told me was that you attended a church with Latin written on the ceiling.
    Pax et bonum! (These are the words you told me you learned from that church)

  15. This is the conversation where I thought you said you attended the TLM.

    ~~~~~Alex Benedictus on February 8, 2013 at 4:56 pm said:
    Marie, thank you for your kind words! Here in my city there is a Franciscan convent, a Capuchin convent. It is very beautiful and the friars always says that greeting or salutation. In Portuguese, we say Paz e Bem = Peace and Well (or good). On the celing of the convent, there is a beautiful drawn/picture with theses words in latin: PAX ET BONUM. That’s why I know theses words.
    I’m trying to do God’s will, but it seems the forces of evil are trying to stop me. Please, pray for me.
    Ave Maria!~~~~~~

  16. No problem, Marie! God bless you! Actually I know many words in latin. And I’m a lover of languages. That’s why I notice that written on the celling of the Capuchin Convent. Today morning I had been in that church. It has been preparade for the Feast of St. Teresa of Lisieux who is the patroness of this parish which is under the pastoral care of the Capuchin Friars. You can see some photos of this church.

    Fraternidade Santa Teresinha (Friary of St. Teresa of Lisieux. In Brazil, she is calle Teresinha is diminutive form that express affection.

  17. Here in Brazil is almost impossible to attentend the Holy Mass in Latin, both in the Ordinary From or in the Extraordinary Form. The Extraordinary Form of The Roman Rite in Brazil is practically impossible for many reasons. And I’m going to abstain to quote the reasons, because they are many and complex. The Mass is celebrated in Portuguese and in the Ordinary Form. These last days, a very known Brazilian priest has been preaching about the Reform of the Reform. I’m talink about Padre Paulo Ricardo de Azevedo Junior. I don’t know if I can share his lectures/preachings here. Any way, I would like to share.

  18. Latin Mass @ São Bento in São Paulo
    Posted on Tuesday, November 6th, 2007 by Blaine Zuver

    Yesterday morning, fresh off the plane from Miami , I took a cab from GRU to São Bento Cathedral in São Paulo, Brazil. This is a really old missal rite that is being revived, especially in Brazil.

  19. Ok, Luv’n Life! You’re right! BUT see I’M RIGHT TOO! I didn’t say there is no Tridentine Mass in Brazil. What I said was that the Tridentine Mass is practically impossible in Brazil and why have I said that? I said that cause Brazil is a continental country, like US, but a little smaller. The roads are in a deplorable situation, we haven’t railways for people and it is just in some metropolis that the Tridentine Mass are celebrated.

  20. I would like to point out that I AM NOT TRADITIONALIST, but I CAN’T STANT The LITURGIC ABUSEs and I tend to think the Tridentine Mass is the best form of avoiding these abuses. However I have making some reflection and I have seen the solution for the liturgic abuses are more complex than the tradicionalist have said. I have attended all my life and still attend the holy mass in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. I’m absolutely used to to OF, anyway I can’t stand the liturgic abuses. I just wish the Holy Mass would be celebrated in a proper way. If I find and Fr. Angelo allows me, I’m going to share some video of masses celebrated in Brazil. You will understand how the Liturgic Reform has been absolutely mispresented in Brazil.

    type in Brazil, then select satelite. Then hit, “photos’. Brazil is not only beautiful adorned with gorgeous old churches, but actually has paved roads. (Click on the little squares to see how beautiful this country is.)

    Alex, I would think the majority of well informed Catholics agree with you. There is no room within the Catholic Church for liturgical abuses. Having said that, the abuses do not outnumber the Holy Sacrifices that are offered with great reverence. Catholics fighting amongst themselves over Mass form is the work of the devil. Our goal is to be our Lord’s goal: “May they be one as we are one.” St John’s Gospel
    Our obligation to God, for His sake, because He deserves to be loved, is for us to strive for personal holiness. And that can only be done….BY CORRESPONDING TO THE GRACES RECEIVED FROM ASSISTING AT THE HOLY SACRIFICE!!!
    It’s about the disposition of the heart.

    Put the first two joyful mysteries together and meditate upon them.

    The Immaculate receives Her Lord with great humility (Eucharist).
    She is told her cousin is in need. Mary makes haste across the hill country, without any concern for herself, to attend to Elizabeth. Mary brings Christ into the world.


    Pray the rosary.

    [Tel code: 55]

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    Igreja de N.S. da Conceição
    e 2 centros de Missa

    24320-520 NITERÓI
    Capela N. Senhora da Conceição Estrada Matapaca, 333, Pentodiba Dom.:9h00 Sem.: 7h00 (021) 6162504 (Dom Lourenço) (021) 2250594 (Dr Fleichman)

    ITAPERUNA: (28300-000)
    Igreja de N.S. do Rosário de Fátima Av. E. Poubel de Lima, 622 e 3 capelas

    28601-970 NOVA FRIBURGO
    Mosteiro da Santa Cruz, Sitio Providência Alto dos Michéis, Rio Grandina Dom. e Festas: 10h00, Semana: 10h00 (0245) 401136 (Dom Tomás de Aquino, OSB Caixa Postal 96582)

    NATIVIDADE: (28380-000)
    Igreja de N.S. das Graças Rua Basilio de Lannes, s/n e 3 capelas

    26001-970 NOVA IGUAÇU
    Igreja de São Judas-Tadeu e 5 capelas (Pe. José Edilson de Lima, Rua Norte 228 Morro Agudo – NOVA IGUAÇU)

    PORCIÚNCULA: (28390-000)
    Igreja de N. S. Aparecida Rua São Sebastião, 223 e 8 capelas

    Diocèse de CAMPOS
    GRANT, O Lord, that Thy servant, Bishop Antônio de Castro Mayer, whom Thou hast delivered from the toil and strife of this world, may be received by Thee into fellowship with Thy Saints. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Igreja de Santa Cecília Rua Projetada A s/n e 3 capelas

    Diocèse de CAMPOS Correspondente: Pe. Fernando Arêas Rifan Rua Miranda Pinto, 26 28050-310 CAMPOS. R.J. Brasil (24/ 722-4898)

    SÃO FIDÉLIS: (28400-000) Igreja de São Fidélis Rua D. Antônio de Castro Mayer 36 e 28 capelas e 10 centros de Missa

    União Sacerdotal S. João-Batista-Maria Vianney Rua Riachuelo, 169 28016-120 CAMPOS R.J. Brasil 24/ 722-4898

    Sto ANTÔNIO de PÁDUA:(28470-000)
    Igreja de Santo Antônio Rua Amaral Peixoto, 120 e 26 capelas

    Igreja de N. Senhora do Carmo Rua 13 de maio, 44

    VARRE-SAI: (28386-000)
    Igreja de N.S. das Graças Barrio Santo Antônio e 25 capelas

    Igreja de N. Senhora do Terço Rua Sete de setembro, 268
    e 3 capelas

    Igreja de N.S. da Conceição Rua V. Barroso Gomes, s/n e 8 capelas e 5 centros de Missa

    Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima Rua Miranda Pinto, 26 e 8 capelas e 5 centros de Missa



    Capela Nossa Senhora de Fátima Rua Déa Fungaro, 77 , Rudge Ramos, tel : (11) 457-7864 – 2os. e 4os. Domingos às 18:00 hs.

    Igreja do Sagrado Coraçao de Jesus e do Imaculado Coraçao de Maria Rua R Rodriguez do Carmo, 150 e 25 capelas e 3 centros de Missa

    RIO GRANDE DO SUL 97050-003 SANTA MARIA Capela Sagrada Familia Rua do Acampamento 365 (Dom Joao da Cruz, OSB)

  23. Alex,
    The Traditional Mass is beautiful, I agree. But many Catholics are making the TLM their ‘Golden Calf’. Two forms of the Mass. Two gifts from God. He knows what is best for His children.
    Worry about yourself.

  24. Marie, thank you for the adresses! But I live in the boondocks!!! My city is far away for everywhere! Not so much, but still yet very far way from many important cities.

    I’m not sure, but If I am right the most of these places where the Tridentine Mass is celebrate, it is by priests of the FSSX. As we know, they don’t accept the II Vatican Council. So it will so wonderful that the Tridentine Mass would be celebrated by priests who accept that Council, like the Franciscan Friars!

    Actually we are watching a formation of a new roman rite, cause actually we have two form of the Roman Rite, but, in the future, probably, these two form of the Roman Rite will form one unique rite. At least, that is what I have heard from theologians like Padre Paulo Ricardo de Azevedo Junior I quoted previously. Of course, it is a speculation, but makes some sense.

  25. Alex,
    Again, I say, you are in my prayers; for loving friends to surround you, for your interior peace, so that the mayhem of the world (and in the Church) never robs you of that peace. For you to be so united to the hearts of Jesus and Mary that you draw multitudes of souls to heaven.
    Let the arguement of TLM vs. NO go. This is not good for your soul. Follow the example of a good friend….
    Be a saint, Alex!

  26. There seems to me to be a veiled accusation here: “when a religious and ecclesial reality is essentially preoccupied in distinguishing itself from others by setting their own convictions as the only excellence to be referred to, it is a sign of closure that can only be of harm to the future of the Church.”

    I would like to know just how the Franciscans of the Immaculate, in particular the founders, were setting themselves up as another ‘magisterium’ or outside the church in any way, shape or form? Was anything asked of the Institute that was contrary to the faith? Contrary even to Summorum Pontificum? Contrary to the direction allowed? Yes, I would like to know. Was something sinful being asked of the friars in which case they should complain? Or was there disobedience and an insisting on some opinions that were contrary to the directives of the founders?

    And the division fomented is from the pit. There has been back stabbing and underhanded dealings and now division and persecution. For shame.

  27. Magdalen,

    Ah, but Our Lord, in His Divine Providence, through Holy Mother Church, has appointed Fr. Volpe to administrate and ensure that everything comes back to normality. So all we have to do, as St. Pio himself advised, is pray, hope and not worry!

  28. “with all respect, asking that the Franciscan Friars be allowed to pray the Tridentine Mass”, as you did is NOT a legitimate position for any Catholic who wishes to remain in a state of grace, as it directly contradicts a specific command by the Holy Father”

    Seriously? Of course permissions can be requested! How dare you say that someone who wishes the TLM is not in a state of grace! It is a proper request. The priest friars of the FI are the only ones in the world who need ‘special permission’. Is that right or fair? No, it is persecution which shows to me it is the right path.

    There is a spirit of judas in all this.

  29. Magdalen,

    Should I obey the Pope, or take your position? Hmmm…. Which should I do? Seriously (as you so eloquently stated)?! How dare YOU challenge the Holy Father, who for reasons not made public, or “veiled” as you put it, (and which frankly are NONE of your business) chooses to do this….. it is his purvue, not yours and not mine.

    You can go to all the TLMs you want, but the Friars cannot say one without permission. That is just a fact. Obey the Church, or go the way of Martin Luther, Henry VIII, John Wesley etc.

    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  30. I’m trying to understand, Magdalen, what you are saying. Do you really think that Fr. Volpi, if asked, will give this permission and override the decision of the Holy Father regarding celebration of the EF by the friars, just because some of the laity are feeling slighted?! The institute has already publicly stated that they will obey the Holy Father. Why are you so indignant about everything, to the point that you are publicly accusing people of “backstabbing and underhand dealings” in a public forum?

  31. Magdalen, you are correct in saying, “There is a spirit of judas in all this.” But the Judas isn’t who everyone believes him to be. The real Judas hides under a false persona. I take great delight in Jesus’ words, “Nothing is hidden from God”. And, again, “He who exalts himself will be humbled, while he who was humbled will be exalted.”

  32. While some may interpret Fr. Volpi’s words as a “veiled” accusation, Pope Francis’ words are anything but veiled:

    “Finally, said Pope Francis there is the group of Christians who ” in their hearts do not believe in the Risen Lord and want to make theirs a more majestic resurrection than that of the real one . These, he said are the “triumphalist” Christians.

    ” They do not know the meaning of the word ‘ triumph ‘ the Pope continued, so they just say “triumphalism”, because they have such an inferiority complex and want to do this …

    When we look at these Christians , with their many triumphalist attitudes , in their lives, in their speeches and in their pastoral theology, liturgy , so many things , it is because they do not believe deep down in the Risen One.”

  33. It is refreshing to read some of the defenses of the Holy Father on this blog.
    I receive a magazine from Rome published by the FFI; the articles are excellent on the whole, but occasionally there is one that questions Vatican II and regards this council as a rupture, which contradicts the teaching of JPII, BXVI, and Francis. Perhaps the Holy See is trying to preclude the ordedr from sliding into a SSPX status.
    The FFI should imitate St. Raphaela and Padre Pio, who remained humble and silent when they were unjustly treated.

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